FAC(es)ET is about an incomplete, collage perception of the world. FAC(es)ET is as a mirror of identity, since a person’s personality is also fragmented. A person always strives to bring his identity to the end, but constantly discovers his incomplete, collage-like and elusive essence.
For from now on, universal values do not work, and reality consists of fragments, and a person collects his own fragments, his own collage. In spatial terms, all signs actually move from difference to difference. Meaning should be sought in differences and through signs, and it is from their differences that meaning arises.
The dialogue with the image in FAC(es)ET conveys to the observer a multi-layered and multifaceted, polyphonic view. We come to a “polyphonic symphony”, a point that is more real than reality-collage, with details, enlarged, and deconstructed, because any truth is subject to investigation and relative.